6 Development Libraries that we Love

Below are 6 of our favorite web development libraries that are worth checking out for your next project.

  1. Slidebars.js - Slidebars is a great Javascript library to create responsive navigation for your website. Slidebars allows you to easily customize navigation to open from the side, bottom, top, etc. at the click of a button. With the many available examples, you can get started using Slidebars immediately.

  2. Reveal.js - Reveal is a Javascript library that allows you to create web presentations in the style of Prezi. You can navigate through the presentation using arrows on the keyboard and view the entire presentation map. Transition from left to right or up and down between slides to create non-linear presentations.

  3. Chart.js - Chart.js is a Javascript library that creates beautiful and interactive charts. The charts are flexible and can be generated with dynamic data. This library can be used in business metric applications.

  4. {{Mustache}} - Mustache is a library available in many different languages that aids with templating. Templating is extremely useful for separating the logic from the visual layer. Mustache is simple to learn and helps developers to create clean code.
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  5. Slick - Slick is a Javascript library that allows you to easily create responsive carousel sliders. You can slide through single or multiple items with a clean, responsive design.

  6. JScolor Picker - JSColor Picker is a Javascript library that opens a visual color picker. This can be extremely useful in forms or to allow a user to customize backgrounds or select and store a color.
