Game List: 2-Player Games

I decided to post this list because although my husband and I frequently have group game nights, we often find ourselves watching mindless television shows after work and feel that there are much better ways to spend this time than indulging in another episode of the Real World.
I have found that good two player board/card games are difficult to come across, so when you come across a gem, it is definitely worth sharing. Hopefully you enjoy this list as much as we have.
Around the holidays we backed a KickStarter called Mint Tin Games. This was one of the best KickStarter projects that we have back to date! The games are designed to fit inside of a mint tin (hence the name) and were specifically designed for just 2 players. So, first and second on the list goes to each of these two games.

The List

Game # 1
GameMint Tin Pirates
# Players2
Ave Game Length15 - 20 min.

Why play it?

Mint Tin Pirates is a very original game with a fast-paced gameplay lasting on average 15 - 20 minutes. The instructions are printed on miniature cards included in the tin and the game is very simple to learn. The objective will quickly draw in any pirate or land lover as the objective is to sink your opponent's ship. Even if your ship has been sunk and all your crew has been blown to bits by cannons all hope is no lost because you get the opportunity to man a ghost ship and win the game with the pirate ghost meeple. This game has quickly become my favorite 2-player game and no matter. The game is so small (arriving in a mint tin) that it is the first game I take with me on outings, to restaurants, vacations, etc. It is such a quick game to play and set up that it is easy to play cafe style. Both the artwork and game concept are completely original. The materials used in the development of the product are of great quality and the instructions are well thought out and well written.

Game # 2
GameMint Tin Aliens
# Players2
Ave Game Length15 - 20 min.

Why play it?

Mint Tin Aliens is a very original game with a fast-paced gameplay lasting on average 15 - 20 minutes. The instructions are printed on miniature cards included in the tin and the game is very simple to learn. As a sci-fi lover, I was quickly drawn in by the game concepts and my alien alter ego took over as I began performing abductions, mind control, creating crop circles and more all while earning merit points for each task performed. The object of the game is to outperform your alien opponent by racking up more merit points.
This game is very easy to play on the go because there are not many pieces. The game is almost strictly a card game. Meeples are used as an added strategic point counter and dice are used to track health but most of the gameplay revolves around the cards.
